MOBI-DIG: Mobile Apps and Digital Services for Seniors Project helps seniors to use mobile phones and online platforms to access digital services. The project collects effective approaches and resources for improving the digital competences of educators, social workers and volunteers working with elderly people and develops the Mobi-Dig Interactive Toolbox – a practical kit to teach seniors how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by different digital services and gain better access to services, goods and social interactions.
- To improve the digital capacities and competences of trainers, educators, social workers, volunteers working for the educational and social inclusion of elderly people
- To improve the digital skills of seniors needed to effectively access and use mobile apps and digital services
- To apply a confidence-building approach and interactivity for improving the motivation and engagement of seniors in digital learning and inclusion
- To exchange experience on effective approaches and resources for developing digital skills of seniors, active aging and social inclusion
- To create an Interactive educational toolbox mapping mobile apps and digital services through video tutorials for developing practical digital skills of seniors for their autonomous use
The Mobi-Dig project is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme and is implemented in the period 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2025.